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Customer applications of Hettrick Scientific spectrographs and monochromators
- Inertial confinement fusion (ICF) energy diagnostics
- Characterization of soft x-ray and extreme UV plasma light sources
- Basic research (e.g. gain-narrowing and coherence length) on soft x-ray/EUV lasers
- Pre-flight long-beam calibration of astronomical telescope end-to-end payloads (ASTRO-D, AXAF, XMM)
- Study of QE and charge-transfer in soft x-ray detectors (diodes, MCPs, CCDs and micro-calorimeters)
- XAFS analysis of oxidized dead layer (O-K edge) in CCDs
- Thin-film soft x-ray filter transmission measurements
- Synthetic multilayer mirror reflectance rocking curve measurements
- Absolute efficiency calibration and physical model parameter fitting of soft x-ray free-standing transmission gratings
- Radiometric spectral measurement of high-power Z-pinch sources
- Basic physics on Z-pinch driven soft x-ray hohlraums
- Planckian kT determination of pulsed-laser driven EUV hohlraums
- Femtosecond HHG (high harmonic generation) source characterization and spectral selection
- Nanosecond and picosecond LPP (laser-produced plasma) source applications, including solid and liquid jet targets
- Trans-uranic element photo-electron surface analysis
- Measurement of temporal coherence length in soft x-ray interferometry
- Manson (electron-beam) source spectral filtering of Bremsstrahlung and selection of characteristic emission lines